Intensive international cooperation constitutes a necessary condition for the development of teaching and research activities at the Faculty of Agriculture and Technology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (FAT USB).
FAT USB expands on a continuous basis its network of cooperating partner universities both at the level of the European Union and worldwide. The objective pursued by the Foreign Affairs Office is to attract partner institutions for active cooperation in exchanges of students and academic staff and the potential for solving joint educational and research projects.
In the framework of the European Union, mobility programmes such as ERASMUS+ and the Central European initiative CEEPUS are employed to support outbound travel. For travelling to countries outside the European Union, we use institutional funds obtained by means of the Foreign Affairs Office of the University of South Bohemia or “credit mobility” projects under ERASMUS+ programme.
The development of international cooperation is further boosted by the individual Departments in the context of teachers’ exchanges and international research projects solved with international partners, implemented in the areas of sustainable agricultural management, agricultural and food-industry biotechnologies, use of information technology in agricultural machinery, and many more.
The Faculty ranks among much sought-after partners for research in classic agriculture, food industry, agroecology, agricultural chemistry, agricultural landscape management as well as modern trends in the field that fall within the umbrella term Agriculture and Technology 4.0.
We also offer students Master’s degree in Multifunctional Agriculture taught in English. This study programme forms a basis for the admission of foreign students for semester exchanges. Doctoral studies in English are available as a matter of course.