Department of Animal Husbandry Sciences
About department
What is the core of activities of our Department of Animal Husbandry Sciences? Generally speaking, the pivotal issues have at all times consisted in livestock breeding. More specifically, great attention is paid to problems of health and wellfare of animals, complex measures that prevent the introduction of diseases into livestock farms (biosecurity) and the optimisation of bioclimatic conditions in livestock farms. A number of grants regarding the above topics are currently underway, with the participation of our students.
While studying at our Department, students learn about the basic biological disciplines and breeding of individual livestock species. In the centre of our attention, there is a graduate who is capable of applying the latest trends in livestock breeding to practice, analysing properly the conclusions of their economic benefits to solve both theoretical and practical problems of agricultural operations.
The Department is housed in three pavilions furnished with modern audio-visual didactic equipment and cutting-edge instruments that enable us to use the latest scientific findings and to apply progressive teaching methods. Importantly, we also benefit from the Purpose-Built Facility - a school farm, where individual species of livestock are bred, with an emphasis on inclusion into genetic animal resources. This is where our students undertake the operational practical training, applying their knowledge gained in professional subjects.
The objective of the studies is to prepare qualified professionals in accordance with current scientific knowledge, in light of the dynamics of changes in livestock breeding and with regard to welfare, ecological methods of farming, economic profitability of farming, while taking advantage of all options of the market of animal products in the context of the common economic and subsidy policy of the European Union.
The Department of Animal Husbandry Sciences is a guarantor the following programmes of study:
- the Bachelor’s study programme Animal Husbandry Science,
- the follow-up Master’s study programme Animal Husbandry Science,
- the run-off doctoral study programmes in Special Animal Husbandry Science, General Animal Husbandry Science and Zoohygiene and Disease Prevention in Livestock.
Our Department makes sure that students gain an understanding of the basic biological processes, nutrition, reproduction and zoology, as necessary for operating the optimal livestock husbandry. Students will explore the structure and function of the body, nutrition and husbandry of different livestock species and will learn about good animal husbandry practice. In addition, we make it our aim to enable students to obtain adequate theoretical knowledge to participate in research activities in livestock breeding and in education, e.g. at the management level in the state and regional administration as professional specialists.
We provide teaching of subjects that embrace information on the biological fundamentals regarding the breeding of individual livestock species, such as:
- morphology of livestock,
- physiology of livestock,
- General Animal Husbandry Science,
- nutrition and feeding of livestock.
These subjects are followed mainly by the fundamentals of breeding of individual livestock species. As an integral part, the instruction includes zoo-veterinary issues which are addressed, for example, in subject Zoohygiene and Disease Prevention in Livestock, Veterinary Parasitology and Veterinary Care.
Areas and questions that a prospective student should ask and answer with a “yes”:
- Do I wish to promote improvements of animal breeding conditions?
- Do I want to better understand animal “speech” and patterns of their behaviour?
- Is my attitude to animals positive?
- Would I like to work with farm or pet animals in the future, or to apply the knowledge and understanding I have gained during my studies to zoological practice, or would I enjoy working as a researcher or officer in the area of animal production?
Upon meeting specified conditions, students are encouraged to become members of the Equestrian Club attached to the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice - Faculty of Agriculture and Technology, or help with health walks with dogs from the City Shelter for abandoned animals, operated by the Department.
Practical training is a compulsory part of studies and takes two forms. The first is operational practical training completed by students in our Purpose-Built Facility - the school farm. This approach allows them to acquire knowledge and experience in the care and feeding of animals. Students run the entire operations independently under supervision of a technician. The other form is professional practical training undertaken by students in selected agricultural establishments with the aim of familiarizing them with the operating environment and organization and management of breeding.
Graduates from the Department of Animal Husbandry Sciences are:
- Qualified to ensure technological procedures in livestock production and address problems in operating conditions, including teamwork.
- Able to meet requirements for working as specialists in service and consultancy organizations and supply companies.
- Able to manage agricultural companies, to hold managerial positions in supply and purchasing organizations operating in animal production.
- Adequately educated to manage, professionally and effectively, breeding of livestock and companion animals.
- Ready to work in government administrative authorities.
- Capable of working in agricultural research and education or work as specialists in breeders’ associations and unions and as specialist breeders.
The focus of the Department’s research activities is mainly upon applied research. The cooperation between the Department and leading research institutes in the Czech Republic is intensive; these institutes include for example:
- Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i. [Research Institute of Animal Production] in Uhříněves,
- Výzkumný ústav pro chov skotu, s.r.o. [Research Institute for Cattle Breeding] in Rapotín,
- Mezinárodní testování drůbeže, s.p. [International Poultry Testing Institute] in Ústrašice.
Certain projects are solved in cooperation with universities both in this country and aborad, such as:
- Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague,
- Mendel University in Brno,
- Slovakia (Nitra),
- Poland (Olsztyn, Kraków, Wroclaw, Bydgoszcz),
- Hungary (Veszprém),
- Romania (Temesvár) and many more…
Research issues are primarily directed towards the management of cattle, pigs and sheep breeding, reproduction of livestock, evaluation of milk production and quality of cattle and sheep, evaluation of meat yield and quality of cattle and pig meat and conservation of genetic animal resources. Great attention is paid also to the health and wellbeing of animals - welfare, biosecurity and optimization of bioclimatic conditions in animal husbandry. Furthermore, we examine issues of unconventional forms of animal health care (probiotics, prebiotics, phototherapy, physiotherapy, metabolic stimulants, etc.), and reducing the use of antibiotics and other chemical medicines in animal husbandry. To a large extent, our research concentrates on robotisation and automation, organic farming systems, animal nutrition and other issues.
Ing. Markéta Fusková
+420 387 772 601
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Pavilion ZB, office No. 037