Faculty of Agriculture
and Technology
We develop technologies, we shape the nature
History of the Faculty
The Faculty of Agriculture and Technology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (FAT USB), is a modern faculty with a long tradition dating back to 1960. In 1991, the Faculty of Agriculture operated as one of the founding faculties that were at birth of the newly developing University of South Bohemia. The faculty buildings are located in a pleasant environment of the university campus on the western outskirts of České Budějovice. Attached to the Faculty are also experimental plots, a farm and other developmental areas are.
Study at the Faculty
The FAT USB provides education at all levels of study, i.e. in Bachelor’s, follow-up Master’s and Doctoral study programmes. Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Land Consolidation and Real Estate Conveyancing or Agribusiness rank among the most popular study programmes. Other interesting study programmes with fewer students include Agroecology, Agriculture, Agricultural Biotechnology or Quality and Processing of Agricultural Products. All study programmes are accredited in a full-time form, while others are offered in a combined form of study.
Scientific and Research Activities
The focus of the Faculty’s scientific and research activities is on agriculture, natural sciences, agroecology, engineering and development of new technologies, biotechnology, chemistry, quality and processing of agricultural products or landscape management. Another important activity is the intensive cooperation between the Faculty and the business sector in the areas of consultancy and contracted research. The majority of research activities carried out by the FAT USB is therefore strongly oriented at applied research with benefits for the society as such. By way of example, interesting projects implemented in this area include the experimental faculty microbrewery, the laboratory for cooperation with practice or the Centre for the Beast Available Techniques for Intensive Livestock Breeding (BAT Centre of the University of South Bohemia).
Cooperation with Foreign Countries
In recent years, the involvement of the FAT USB in research together with foreign institutions has been on the increase. The Faculty’s internationalisation provides its students with an opportunity to work in modern foreign institutions located in attractive destinations, and thus to broaden their knowledge and develop their skills.
Promotional Video
Faculty of Agriculture and Technology
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice