Department of Biological Disciplines
About department
The Department focuses on and teaches biological disciplines (Zoology, Botany). We provide instruction both at the basic level for students of various agricultural specializations and at the more specialized form for more specific disciplines. The Department’s efforts are determined chiefly by its position of the guarantor of the field Biology and Protection of Organisms of Interest.
The guaranteed field and hence the Department’s activities encompass a number of issues. The most significant is nature protection per se, especially at the level of species. This is closely connected with the breeding of companion animals and the cultivation of collection plants (whether in zoological or botanical gardens or in hobby or commercial breeding) and the related international trade.
In the light of this, considerable attention is paid to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, known under the abbreviation CITES. The objective of the aforesaid Treaty is to regulate the international trade in selected species of plants and animals such that it does not contribute to their imminent existential threat.
The breeding of companion animals and the cultivation of collection plant have become a mass affair both globally as well as nationally and also the subject of extensive trading, the global annual turnover of which is estimated at tens of billions of USD. Moreover, the international trade in biological products (skins, salep tubers, etc.) may well lead to plundering of nature and endanger the existence of species for the sole purpose of satisfying the demand.
During their studies, students complete both basic biological subjects (Botany and Zoology, Fundamentals of Ecology, Genetics) and a number of specialized subjects (Legislation of Nature Protection in the Czech Republic and the EU, CITES Systematics of Animals/Plants, Determination of Products form CITES Protected Organisms, CITES Commodity Expertise, Non-European Ethnographic Artefacts, Breeding of Exotic Birds, Aquarium Science, Terrarium Science, Cultivation of Special Collection Plants, Zoo Management and many other subjects). Many of these subjects are elective, and students can therefore choose whether they wish to profile themselves more as zoologists or botanists, or would prefer to focus on the breeding and cultivation or protection of organisms.
Since special emphasis is placed on language skills, students are obliged to complete a few semesters of English, and they must also work with information sources in English in other subjects (scientific articles, publications, CITES international databases, etc.). We believe this approach is very important since the profiling of a graduate from this field directly leads his/her employment on the international labour market.
The Department’s staff as well as specialists from cooperating institutions are involved in the teaching and supervision of theses. In particular, the Department cooperates closely with the Faculty of Science of our University, and other cooperating institutions include the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague, and the Faculty of Tropical Agriculture, the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. We greatly appreciate our cooperation with specialists from practice, whose experience is irreplaceable for students. These specialists are in fact employees of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate [ČIŽP], Nature Conservation Agency [AOPK], Náprstek Museum, many zoological gardens (Hluboká nad Vltavou, Tábor, Prague, Jihlava and others).
The study itself includes a number of professional trainings and educational excursions. Students visit not only expositions but also the facilities of Czech and foreign botanical and zoological gardens and breeding or cultivation establishments. They will travel to noteworthy, protected areas, participate in field training and student conferences and meet a great number of interesting and inspirative practitioners. Students will experience working with modern equipment both in field situations and in laboratories. Alternatively, students are encouranged to go on educational excursions organized by the other Faculties and meet their colleagues across the University.
The Department of Biological Disciplines guarantees the Bachelor’s and Master’s programme Biology and Protection of Organisms of Interests. In the framework of doctoral study, students can further profile themselves in the programme Applied and Landscape Ecology.
Graduates from this field of study have the required knowledge in three areas interconnected to form a qualifying whole:
- Biology of cultivated collection plants and bred companion animals and their geographical distribution,
- Principles and methods of hobby cultivation and breeding of plants and animals, including the fundamentals of health care of cultivated plants (plant medicine) and principles of veterinary care of bred animals (zoohygiene),
- Legislation, which spans over the knowledge of necessary laws and regulations governing the operation of commercial and hobby cultivation and breeding establishments, and the knowledge of legislation concerning the international trade in endangered wildlife species of animals and plants.
Studying the field Biology and Protection of Organisms of Interest is the right choice for everyone who:
- Is not indifferent to the fate of nature and wishes to be involved in its protection at home and in the world.
- Is interested in issues of smuggling of endangered species of plants and animals.
- Is interested in breeding exotic animals or growing protected plants.
- Wants to learn more about their biology.
- Needs to gain an insight in related legislation.
- Would like to work in a zoological or botanical garden.
- Is an enthusiast who searches, examines and discovers nature at home and abroad.
Professional training is a mandatory part of students. As a rule, students generally undergo their professional training in:
- The state administration (Agencies for Nature Conservation, Administration of Protected Areas and National Parks),
- The private sector (companies operating in the cultivation of plants of interest, animal breeding, trade in these organisms),
- Zoological and botanical gardens,
- Rescue stations for endangered animals, including stations for animals seized from illegal breeding and at borders.
Our Department has a many-year and well-functioning cooperation in terms of practical training with selected institutions (e.g. ZOO Hluboká nad Vltavou, Nature Conservation Agency [AOPK], Czech Union for Nature Conservation [ČSOP], etc.). As a matter of course, students can complete their professional training in other suitable organizations, authorities, and similar. Beyond the framework of professional training, students are recommended to take various individual internships to earn practical experience, and, as a result, a better starting position on the labour market as graduates.
Graduates from the Department of Biological Disciplines find employment as:
- Specialists working for state institutions (Czech Environmental Inspectorate, Environmental Departments, Ministry of Agriculture, Police Departments, Customs Administration),
- Operators and employees of companies operating in commercial breeding of animals and growing of collection plants,
- Employees of zoological and botanical gardens,
- Operators of private zoological parks,
- Employees and operators of rescue centres,
- Private breeders and growers.
Our professional research activities are concerned with field mapping and monitoring of animals and plants (mammals and bird in the landscape, acoustic monitoring of animals, diversity of amphibians and reptiles, revitalization of plant communities, etc.), processing of data regarding the international trade, breeding and cultivation of organisms of interest, evaluation of breeding of selected species in zoological gardens, their ethology and biology, physiology and ecology, plant ecophysiology, ecology of wetland and aquatic communities, use of protected plant and animal species in the traditional culture and medicine, and many more.
Foreign cooperation of the Department of Biological Disciplines takes mainly the form of publication-based cooperation and internships of the Department’s staff (e.g. the Institute Ecosur, San Cristobal de la Casas in Mexico). Students are encouraged to use these contacts of the Department’s staff for individual foreign internships and professional training, in addition to the extensive opportunities for study abroad according to the current offer of Erasmus programme.
Ing. Jakub Šťastný
+420 387 772 752
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Pavilion ZJ, office No. 302