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Short-term internships for students from Ukraine

The Faculty of Agriculture, still in this summer semester, offers students from Ukraine the opportunity to complete short-term internships lasting several weeks up to some months.

The internship is intended for students of master and doctoral university studies in agriculture and related fields, the condition is an active knowledge of Czech or English.

Students will perform the internship at the receiving department according to a chosen topic. These can be, for example, analysis of antioxidants in food, study of soil organic matter, collection and processing of ornithological data, methods and application of biological plant protection, breeding and nutrition of livestock, erosion protection and other.

Candidates can contact the clerk of the Foreign Affairs Office Karla Dvořáková (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). She will provide further information such as specific free topics, possibilities of obtaining scholarship support, etc. There is no deadline for registration, candidates can apply continuously.

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