Dear colleagues,
I allow myself to turn to you with a request for solidarity. The Faculty of Agriculture and Technology created a special account in 2017 no. 277847298/0300 with ČSOB in České Budějovice for the purpose of
public collection
(according to the Public Collections Act No. 117/2001 Coll. - official documents of the collection)
for the bereaved Eliška Křiváčková, the daughter of our colleague Olga Křiváčká who died prematurely.
The management of the FAT decided by approving the budget of the FAT that a sum 50 000 CZK will be transferred to the account of the collection from the budget of the FAT. Nevertheless I take this opportunity to request that further, even small contributions, be paid on the above mentioned account. The saved amount will be allocated to Eliška on the day of her 18th birthday.
Up to the present day the account contains 413 719,64 CZK.
The founders of the collection express their profound gratitude for each financial contribution donated to the above mentioned account.
Pavlína Pincová
The person authorized in the name of USB to act in the matters of the collection
Account number